………..alludes to leadership in IT
………………….is a typographical way of connecting a topic to something important about it
……………………………is a lame-ass play on “Thought Leader”
………..and is a place to learn about and discuss issues of IT management, governance and leadership.
These are the issues that affect an entrepreneurial IT manager. You’ll find material concerning opportunities in your business model, the impact of new standards and regulation, business ideas that are growing out of new technologies and other ideas and trends in technology-impacted business.
I’m more interested in what can and should be done rather than what’s being done, so some things you won’t find here are…
- …Commentary on the fortunes, management and personalities of well known technology companies
- ……Reviews or sales figures for the latest branded consumer hardware
- ………Chatter about angel investors, VCs, accelerators and who may or may not be in their capricious cross-hairs this week, or
- …………Listicles: those contentless “Five Best…” and “Top Ten…” lists.
Ideas, methods and trends, not speculation, gossip and advertising.