Posts Tagged ‘innovation’

  • Open for Business

    Avoiding the Startup Letdown

    January 9, 2014 • Business Models, NewsComments (0)

    I read a lot about startups with the Next Big Thing in the works.  Frequently I click through to see this wonderful new product and find there’s nothing there.  Ready for prime time?  Heck, the product would be an embarrassment amongst Saturday morning...

  • More Than Roads and Bridges

    January 8, 2014 • Business Models, NewsComments (0)

    Obama’s observation to the entrepreneur that “You didn’t build that” is becoming increasingly accurate.  The “Open Data 500” is a list of companies that are using public data as an integral component of a business model or product.  There...

  • Envisioning the Future of Smart Glasses

    November 6, 2013 • Innovation, NewsComments (0)

    Someday I’m going to write a book about why market research is as useful as star signs and casting the i ching.  Techmeme turned up this survey in which it’s implied that Google Glass is headed for the shelf with the Palm Pre simply because consumers...

  • Moving Securely To the Cloud

    November 4, 2013 • Innovation, NewsComments (0)

    Many organizations still hesitate to leap into the cloud.  This usually stems firstly from cost considerations, which are different for everyone.  Caveat emptor, ’nuff said.  Then it’s concerns over security and seamlessness (see this...

  • Airplane Runway Crash

    Replacing Professionals With a Computer

    October 27, 2013 • Innovation, NewsComments (0)

    Ah, my old nemesis!  Nick Carr, the same one who caused a furor by insisting that “IT Doesn’t Matter”, meaning IT is a commodity and of no strategic value to a business, now believes that IT is taking over so much of what we do that...

  • Charging Towards The Future

    October 23, 2013 • Innovation, NewsComments (0)

    I don’t know about your city, but if my town gets any more electric vehicles there will be a noticeable drop in street noise.  The traffic cops drive electric tricycles, municipal workers zip around in Priuses, the taxis are being replaced by new hybrids,...

  • Sunsetting Systems In the Name of Innovation

    October 22, 2013 • Management Practice, NewsComments (0)

    CIO tells us that we should split our IT budget about 50/50 between maintenance of systems and new projects.  Most companies find that pretty hard to do.  The operation is what’s driving revenue today, so we apply resources to maintenance tasks instead of...

  • New York Is a Techie Kind of Town

    October 7, 2013 • Business ModelsComments (0)

    Few in this town will be surprised by the conclusions of the study (reported by Adrianne Jeffries in The Verge) “Building a Digital City: the Growth and Impact of New York City’s Tech / Information Sector”. It states that tech is now the second largest...

  • Beware of New Hiring Models

    October 6, 2013 • Management Practice, NewsComments (0)

    Eddie Yoon in the HBR suggests that it’s inefficient to vet applicants for a new position by combing through each one’s résumé.  He recommends a new hiring model, which can be summarized like this: Look at successful projects and business...

  • Beyond the Password

    October 6, 2013 • Innovation, NewsComments (0)

    Irritating as passwords are, most companies aren’t going to rush to buy new authentication technology for all that a bunch of new ideas have been discussed in the Wall Street Journal.  We’ve been hearing for years about biometrics, three-factor...

  • Talking About New Privacy Perils

    March 15, 2013 • InnovationComments (0)

    We need systems that watch us.  Maybe “need” is a very strong word, but the leap in what applications could do within a device that is capable of monitoring and anticipating the user’s instructions, and even reacting to the user’s emotions, is...